James Draws More Criticism On The Darfur Issue

James was asked to sign an open letter, written by Cleveland Cavaliers teammate Ira Newble, condemning China’s government for contributing to the genocide of people in the Darfur region of Sudan. “China cannot be a legitimate host to the premier international event in the sporting world – the Summer Olympic Games – while it remains […]

Lucky Pistons

“They’re winning, yet this series nonetheless feels like it’s slipping away”. Drew Sharp of the Detroit Free Press Writes. The Pistons still might lose this series. Despite the 2-0 lead on the Cavaliers, the Pistons and their fans feel they got very lucky. “They’re 2-0 in this Eastern Conference final – quite possibly the luckiest […]

Earning Respect

James was asked Friday if he thought not getting foul calls had something to do with his and his team’s respect level compared with the Pistons. He proceeded to go off on a bit of a tangent. “You call this playoff basketball, I do the best I can do and hopefully we get some respect […]